Monday, February 9, 2009

Budget-friendly Beauty: Vaseline

That's right. Vaseline. Petroleum jelly, for you non-brand-loyal folks.

And no...

...Tyra isn't its only fan.

Vaseline has many uses, but the one I'll be talking about here is as a face moisturizer. Well, that's not technically correct. Vaseline, due to its inherent properties, can't be a moisturizer.

I know many of you scoff at the idea of putting Vaseline on your face. You may think that your face is too good for Vaseline, but you may want to think again. Next time you reach for your (expensive) face moisturizer or eye cream, try reading the ingredients. You may see that Vaseline (a.k.a. "petroleum jelly", a.k.a. "petrolatum") is listed as one of the main ingredients.

Because it feels so greasy, you may think Vaseline is an instant recipe for breakouts. You couldn't be farther from the truth. Why? Because Vaseline cannot be absorbed into your skin. Its ingredients just sit on top of your skin to create a layer (albeit a layer of grease). I guess the easiest way to explain it is that Vaseline is to skin as oil is to water; it just sits on top and never mixes.

So, if Vaseline never gets absorbed, how exactly does it help your skin? Well, by sitting on top of your skin, the layer of Vaseline creates a sort of barrier. What does this barrier do? It protects your skin from the elements (minus UV protection), but it also seals things (such as moisture) in. By preventing your skin from losing too much moisture, it helps keep your face nice and hydrated. Not only that, but you know all those expensive serums and other things you put on your face? A little bit of Vaseline will help seal those goodies in, too.

Now, the important part is how much Vaseline to use. Lucky for us, a little goes a long way. Just dab a little with your fingertips, rub between your hands, and pat onto your face. There will be a slight greasiness to your skin, but nothing unbearable. Usually, I'll do this as the final step in my nighttime skin care routine (after applying my moisturizer). You can also mix in a little bit of Vaseline with your moisturizer (ร  la Aquaphor), but I prefer to know for certain that my moisturizer will be doing its job (who knows where it'll end up sitting once it's all mixed up).

The results? Well, there's really no need to shell out extra $$$ for a heavier winter moisturizer. $5 (or less) at your local drugstore will help your face stay moisturized even in the coldest of weather. Also, as someone with frequent breakouts, I find that the Vaseline helps my pimples heal quicker (the barrier/seal it creates aids in the healing). It also keeps my skin soft, allowing for easier "extractions" (though I know that isn't really recommended, I just can't stop myself sometimes).

So, next time you're in need of a good moisturizer, don't hit the mall. Just collect all that loose change around the house and go to your local drugstore or supermarket and buy a jar of Vaseline. You won't be sorry.

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